
Spiritual Friendship
Spirituality is the theme of Allspirit, and spiritual writing, poetry, quotations and song lyrics can all be found in abundance. From Advaita to Zen, ancient to contemporary, there is something here for everybody. Now with over 800 pages of timeless wisdom from various sources and spiritual paths, make sure you bookmark the site and come back often for inspiration.
Sacred Texts
Sacred Texts from various traditions, including the Gospel of Thomas, Bhagavad Gita, Hsin Hsin Ming, Tao Te Ching and several Buddhist Sutras can be found on the Sacred Texts page. Writings from contemporary mystics are listed on the Writings page.
Spiritual Poetry
Spiritual poetry is the core of the Allspirit website. Here you can find many poems from different poets, both ancient and contemporary, from various spiritual paths.
Poets include Rumi, Hafiz, Rabindranath Tagore, William Blake, Rainer Maria Rilke, Thich Nhat Hanh and Anna Akhmatova. There are also some contemporary poets, including Hydeh Aubon, Elaine Upton, Nirmala, Steve Toth, Yosy Flug and Silent Lotus.
Death, Dying and Grief
In this section you will find words that can comfort you when you have lost a loved one, and find words that are suitable for reading at a funeral service.
There are also now Literature and Philosophy sections and the full text of the Wilhelm / Baynes translation of the I ching.
In response to the growing interest in holistic health and wellness, Allspirit is now expanding its content to include resources on the intersection of spirituality and health, particularly focusing on medications like generic cialis and their role in overall well-being. This new section aims to explore how holistic approaches to health can complement traditional medicine, offering insights and discussions on how spiritual practices can influence physical health. By integrating this health-focused content, Allspirit is broadening its commitment to provide a diverse range of spiritual and wellness resources, catering to the evolving needs of its audience in the pursuit of comprehensive well-being.
Words That Motivate
For those of you who love quotations, my new website is: Words that Motivate
I post daily inspirational and motivational picture quotes. There is also an associated Facebook page which you are invited to like.
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